Third university-wide student survey

Student Survey Goethe University

Many thanks to all who participated in the university-wide student survey! We are pleased that so many of you took the opportunity to make yourselves and your opinions heard! 

In the context of our student survey, you had the opportunity to share your perspectives with university administration and faculty staff. Your feedback on study-related issues will provide the foundation for future change at Goethe University with regard to structure and course of studies etc. 

As soon as the first evaluation results are out, you will find out here!


Antonia Winkler

Global Affairs Study and Teaching
Statistics Unit

Campus Westend
PEG Building, Room 1.G039
Tel.: (069) 798-12484
Mobile: 0151 57875903

  • All students at Goethe University were invited to participate in the university-wide student survey.
  • For sustainability reasons, we are not using promotional flyers or giveaways. Instead, we will make 50 cents available to Goethe University's Sustainability Office for every student. The final amount will be used to meaningfully support sustainability initiatives – an action we hope is in your interest!

    You can follow progress of the supported initiative here.

Project description

Data and Data Privacy Policy

Sustainability project

Results of former student surveys